April 10, 2009

Good Friday

Good Friday is a somber, thoughtful day for me. I think often during this day what Jesus endured. It makes my heart ache for him. I live in constant pain, but the pain he must have felt carrying the cross on his back, on stone and gravel. up mountainsides on bleeding feet and his back bled from constant lashings. Begging for just water and receiving very little from women who were beaten for giving him anything. Begging for his Holy Father to save him. The tears and blood he shed that day. The awful pain he must have felt when his body was affixed to the cross and then raised up for him to suffer until he died His final breath had to have been a gift for once he drew it and exhaled, the pain was over. All of what he endured is something I will never compare my daily aches and pain to. I feel we are so very blessed.
Thank you Jesus, my Lord and Savior.
Luke 23:46: "Jesus called out with a loud voice, 'Father into Your hands I commit My spirit,' Having said this, He breathed His last."


  1. And to think He did this all on purpose! Even when He asked not to have to go through it, He wanted to do what God wanted him to. I am getting better at it, but still have a long way to go.
    PS this is not really anonymous, but I don't think I have any of those ID's.

  2. Lori, you are the only one I know who would sign on as 'anonymous' and then sign your name. Thank you for the grin.

    Carol, you ROCK to realize and acknowledge all He did for us. Even so, when we have pain, it is very real, and, at times, very overwhelming. We DO know we will go into Heaven, following Jesus' path, too. It just might take us a bit longer.


  3. That was a beautiful thing to write, it makes one think about how our Savior suffered for us and that our pains and crosses to bear are nothing compared to what He went through.
