April 9, 2009

7 Boring Things About Me.

1. I'm a complete creature of habit.
2. My husband is my love of my life and I couldn't have picked a better man!
3. My youngest makes everyday fun no matter how bad I feel.
4. My friendships are important to me and I will go great lengths to let them know it.
5. I never and refuse to 'look sick' when I see my Dr.
6. I hate it when a person just 'drops by' and doesn't call first.
7. I believe God will take care of me no matter what the situation.

What are 7 things about you?

Feel free to email your answers to me or leave them in your comment.

1 comment:

  1. 1. I make fun of my best friends, because they do the same =]

    2. I have a firm belief that peanut butter and chocolate have no business mingling with each other.

    3. My favorite food used to be egg rolls. Now its blueberries.

    4. I would be perfectly content if President Obama said I didn't have to go to school anymore.

    5. I've never done drugs that weren't prescribed to me.

    6.I would probably keel over if anything ever happened to my iPod again.

    7.I sleep 10 hours a night
