He's having a wonderful time with his paternal Grandparents, Aunts & Uncles and their children. He calls everyday (just about) but I can tell he's loving life. He's staying in a big beach house that has an elevator. He didn't trust it at first but now he loves getting in it. He's lazing it up in a hammock, a hot tub and going to the beach. He loves sharks teeth and told me last night he has a couple more now. I know he's having a blast and it's good for him but missing him is awful. I can't wait to see his tan, smiling face this Saturday when he gets back!! I know he will seem taller, the other boys always did if they went away for a short time.
Today is 'hump day' so the worst is over, now I have just a few more days to look forward to his homecoming. I have always kept my children close when they are young so letting him go off with others is hard for me. I just know that this Saturday he will be hugged and kissed till he screams "STOP IT, MOM!" LOL!!
I wonder - does the day ever come when you don't miss your children so much?
Carol Cusick