For many years, as far back as I can remember people took their small children to see the Easter Bunny. What a horrible thing to do to your children! I have NEVER taken my children to see him! I AM AFRAID OF THE BUNNY MAN!!! Just look above, does this not creep you out? Just the fact that some fool (whoever it is) would dress in all that white fur is beyond me! He looks like he could be a serial killer. In fact, there was one in the 70's where I lived. When I was a teenager there was a man dressed in a bunny suit killing young girls by cutting their heads off with an axe! He only killed girls with names like Denise, Diane, Debbie. They all had to start with the letter 'D'. I thank my parents so much for naming me Carol, but I just slipped under the door with my escape from certain doom at the hands of THE BUNNY MAN KILLER! I get chills to this day thinking about it. It is a real fear for me. Just look at those eyes, they are huge and scary!
About 10 years ago a neighbor must have dressed up like a Bunny Man for an Easter Egg Hunt and he came skipping down my street. I freaked! I was sure he finally found me! I won't even go to an egg hunt for fear I will run into one. Besides, when did Bunnies start laying frigging eggs anyway? Whoever thought of this connection was a sick puppy I'm sure of!
Bunny Hater